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International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Today is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities!

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities takes place around the world on December 3rd every year. This day is a chance to spread awareness about the human rights of people with disabilities. Furthermore, the day also spreads awareness about how improved global conditions for people with disabilities benefit all people.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

According to the United Nations, one billion (1000000000) people around the world have disabilities. Eighty percent (80%) of these people live in developing countries. Moreover, ten percent (10%) of children have disabilities. Forty-six percent (46%) of people aged sixty (60) or over also have disabilities. In other words, disability affects people in all countries and of all ages.

The United Nations proclaimed the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On this day, we recognize that people with disabilities often have less access than non-disabled people to:

This lack of access is due to the persistence of barriers in spaces and societies, including:

Likewise, the same barriers limit people’s abilities to be actively involved in their communities.

However, when people and organizations prevent and remove barriers, people with disabilities can take advantage of the opportunities open to their non-disabled peers. Moreover, when people with disabilities have better access to schooling, jobs, and medical care, societies gain strength globally. For example, hiring and retaining workers with disabilities enlarges the workforce and improves the economy.

In addition, changes improving the lives of people with disabilities are also helpful for others. This idea is called the curb cut effect. In short, there are many reasons to promote the rights and well-being of citizens with disabilities in all cultures.

Happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities to all our readers!